How should green chunky knit throw blanket be cared for?

Here are some tips for caring for a green chunky knit throw blanket:

Wash Gently

Machine wash in cold water on a gentle or delicate cycle. Use a mild detergent. Avoid hot water which can cause shrinkage or weaken fibers.

Air Dry Flat

Lay the blanket flat to air dry. Avoid putting it in the dryer as the tumbling action and heat can cause pilling or felting of the fibers over time.

Loose Pills

Use an electric fabric shaver or fabric razor to gently scrape any tiny lint balls or pills that form on the surface. Be careful not to cut yarns.

Block to Shape

After washing, lay the blanket flat and lightly use steam from an iron to gently press out creases and shape it back to original size.

Spot Clean Safely

For minor spots, use a stain remover spray and blot/dab gently. For set-in stains, pretreat before regular wash.

Store Properly

Fold or roll neatly when not in use. Store in a dust-free place to maintain colors and prevent dirt buildup.

Clean Periodically

For regular use, wash every 2-3 months or as needed. For occasional use, annually is usually sufficient.

Handle the blanket gently during care to maintain its soft texture and lofty appearance. Avoid twisting or excess heat which can harm chunky knit fibers over time.